, lementary educationExperience:united state postal carrier 1988 – Present Greer, South CarolinaRetiredInformation Technology and ServicesSkills:Certified Project. Education:California State University Chico Bachelor’s degree, BusinessExperience:Self hired August 2009 – Present KPMG September 2004 – August 2009 California Department of Water Resources 2000 – 2004 California Department of Water Resources 1987 – 2000 Toronto, Canada AreaIT Solutions Developer at TDComputer SoftwareSkills:PL/SQL, Java, Eclipse, Java EE, JavaSE, JavaScript, Struts2, Hibernate, C, Programming, C++, Matlab, Microsoft Office, Teamwork, Assembly Language, English, Testing, Visual C++, HTML, Software Engineering, Linux, MySQL, PHP, J2EE Application. , JUnit, JDBC, JSPEducation:University of Windsor 2010 – 2012Master’s diploma, Electrical and Electronics EngineeringNanjing University of Science and Technology 2004 – 2008Bachelor of Engineering BEng, Optoelectronic Information EngineeringExperience:TD January 2014 – Present Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics 2008 – 2009 Greater San Diego AreaTechnical Support Specialist at Alere North America, Inc. BiotechnologyEducation:Westmont College 2001 – 2004B. S. , BiologyTECHNICAL EXPERTISE B.